I am Hanz from Belgium… and got your link from my brother, – he gave me this guitar too a few weeks ago… asked me to fix it up a bit … and when i turned this piece of wood into a kind of guitar hehehe, i was amazed to hear the sounds… the action close to the body is way to big, this i need to solve somehow in the future… but o k …
since then, i started to wonder what it actually was … so my brother told me it was a fenton weill model… made by hohner ,he thought… But, we can’t find any more information about it… till he found you and your collection… -maybe this person knows some advice, he told me…
so that’s why i write you my friend… do you have any clue??? What i am playing on for the moment?? Well, my brother said, i could keep it for playing… and i had fun so far… this sounds very typical, like some old surf bands, but also warm…. it looks there is one button missing too on the body… and that somebody did place two click buttons on it too… here i can change the pick-ups with… make it from cool surfy, to warm and warmer… sound…
the body had 3 buttons, volume, tone, and other tone for the two pick ups, this all works too… but there is room for another button, but there is simply ‘left a hole’? next to the 3 buttons, then a hole and then the plug -in jack…
well… if you know something or anything about this guitar, it is welcome…
thank you very much and kindest regards… you have a wonderfull collection there, be proud of it ….
merry Christmas and happy 2013