Mo Foster’s Book Launch, Dingwalls, London NW1. Tuesday 13th September 2011 “British Rock Guitar”

Posted on: 13th September 2011

Who else was there? Chas McDevitt – can it really be over 54 years ago (1957) that he appeared with Nancy Whiskey on the Ed Sullivan show? Barry Gibson – who is still so successfully marketing Burns guitars and,luckily, his wife agreed to “babysit” that night! Jason How of Rotosound – did he know that it was his father’s early association with Jim Burns and Ike Isaacs which resulted in Alan Wooton terminating their agreement to build Supersound and Supersound “Ike Isaacs” guitars in December 1958? Bruce Welch – Of course I asked him if he’d ever heard of Supersound guitars (he hadn’t) but he told me that he couldn’t remember what had happened to either his Vega or Grimshaw guitars after he got his first Fender in 1959.